Courses Catalog

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Elearning Pills Course Catalog

A quick and transversal way to train employees.
We believe that the effectiveness of training depends on carrying out the initiatives on our clients' platforms, being a more profitable investment in the long term.
This allows for a graphic and conceptual model adaptation, in addition to the reuse of content. Integrating it into the training strategies, we deliver the scorm package(s) ready to be launched on the client's platform.
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Don't have e-learning content?
Choose to place our courses on your platform or enroll your employees individually.

Elearning Pills Course Catalog

A quick and transversal way to train employees.
We believe that the effectiveness of training depends on carrying out the initiatives on our clients' platforms, being a more profitable investment in the long term.
This allows for a graphic and conceptual model adaptation, in addition to the reuse of content. Integrating it into the training strategies, we deliver the scorm package(s) ready to be launched on the client's platform.
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- The importance of good team management and skills
necessary for this

- Essential qualities for good leadership

- Different personality types and work styles

- Different management styles

- Team management tasks and how to perform
them successfully

SCORM Package

When leaders interpret correctly and when people act,
businesses succeed. To ensure the productivity of their teams,
leaders must understand the challenges associated with leadership
these days. This course explores the inherent responsibility of
leadership position in dynamic work environments and analyzes
the leadership needs associated with creating a work environment
that guarantees performance and achievement.

Exploring the challenges of leadership in order to identify the
characteristics and conditions necessary for effective leadership,
ensuring quality performance and high levels of growth and
individual achievement. The program focuses on the elements
necessary for managing people, processes and results.

The program consists of 4 themes:

- Leadership: What to do.
- Leadership: How to do it.
- Self-management.
- Leadership Actions Plan.

SCORM Package


Sales & Customer Service Courses

-Factors that determine the success of the negotiation.

-Apply the correct negotiation strategy.

-Successfully close the deal

-Recognize and neutralize manipulative tactics

SCORM Package

- The importance of good negotiation in various contexts

- The stages of negotiation

- Prepare for a negotiation – goals, knowing the other part, etc.

- Negotiation types, styles and tactics

- Closing Strategies

SCORM Package

- The characteristics and impact of a good customer service

- Communication skills – active listening, knowing how to ask questions

- Tailoring the type of service according to the client

- Dealing with complaints

- Core competencies – product knowledge, persistence, amongst others

SCORM Package

- Understand why it is essential to improve sales skills

- What is that influences customer decisions

- How to approach the sales process

- What are the most significant skills and how to apply them

SCORM Package

- The value that complaints management can bring

- Why is it important to deal with complaints in the work context

- How to receive and deal with complaints – the main steps

- Dealing with various complaints management scenarios – dealing
with emotions, defectivem products, return requests, and more.

SCORM Package



- Definition of business ethics

- The importance of ethical behavior in business

- Value system that can create ethical dilemmas

- Ethical issues (confidentiality, bribery, etc.)

- Employee rights – fairness, privacy and security

SCORM Package

- Recognize the importance of maintaining work and personal
data effectively safe

- Identify which potential threats occur in the work context

- Apply essential measures to protect your data

- Understand what cybercrime targets and how it can breach your data

SCORM Package

- Know how to identify the most common risks in the context of work

- When and how to extinguish a fire

- What are the security procedures for building evacuation

- What are the responsibilities of employees and employers

Pacote SCORM

- Definition of harassment

- Most common mistakes

- Consequences of harassment

- Recognizing and dealing with harassment

- Types of workplace harassment – racial, sexual,
of gender, age, etc

SCORM Package

- The importance of a good team management and
the necessary skills for it

- Essential qualities for a good leadership

- Different personality types and work styles

- Different management styles

- Team management tasks and how to perform
them successfully

SCORM Package

- Define diversity

- Common differences

- Benefits of embracing diversity and inclusion

- The focus of inclusion

- Fighting discrimination in the workplace

SCORM Package

- The importance of a good team management and the necessary
skills for it

- Essential qualities for a good leadership

- Different personality types and work styles

- Different management styles

- Team management tasks and how to perform them successfully

SCORM Package


Soft Skills

- The importance of a good team management and the necessary
skills for it

- Essential qualities for a good leadership

- Different personality types and work styles

- Different management styles

- Team management tasks and how to perform them successfully

SCORM Package

- Understand the concept of emotional intelligence for use
in day-to-day work;

- Identify the differences between emotions and feelings, to
interpret organizational behavior and your customers;

- Understand how the individual perceives the world and
how your brain “processes” the impact that information
brings to your referral system;

- Define the importance of emotional versatility and the
benefits it can bring to your daily work;

- Stimulating feedback and self-exposure, realizing that
both are regulatory pillars of our communications with others.

SCORM Package

- Effective people

- Goal settings

- Overview, structure & planning

- Review & time planning

- Desk paper and paper management

- Better use of your time

- Getting the best of meetings

- Networking

SCORM Package

This course adresses the following:

- Categories and common causes for workplace conflicts

- Constructive and destructive conflicts

- Prevent from conflict – warning signs, understanding
the other party

- Strategies for dealing with conflict

- The role of leadership in conflict situations

Learning outcomes

- What is a conflict and its cause

- How to avoid and prevent conflicts

- How can the team manager create a minimal
conflict environment

- How to approach and deal with conflict situations

SCORM Package

- What defines a good mental health and what are the
signs of mental health problems

- Types of stress that occur in the workplace and how
to deal with them

- Balance of personal and professional life in order to
create a stress-free workplace

SCORM Package

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